Joshua Griffit

“When you look through the Griffit file in the media archives of Israeli art, the findings are slim – very little attention is given to Griffit, to Griffit types.
And to tell the truth, the Griffit type is not on the agenda of ‘managed’ Israeli art” (Adam Baruch) Joshua Griffit is a new realism pioneer artist from Israel, Among his teachers were John Byle, Pinchas Eshet and Ernest Fox.
In the years 1969–1971 he lived in Florence, where he graduated with a degree in Fine Arts from the Fine Arts Academy, focusing on painting under Primo Conti, as well as drawing and etching.
Today Griffit is part of the contemporary art world, focusing more on works on paper. In his recent exhibitions Griffit deals with the trivial everyday objects, the history of the art world and the current events and culture that juxtapose his paintings with illusory modern timelessness.

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