Avivit Segal
In my works, I explore, by experiencing photography, the silence beyond thought. My starting point and driving force is to turn a state of consciousness into a formal image.
When I photograph I aim for the meeting point between the concrete photograph and the abstract image. In the quest for the “naked” picture I try to reach the outcome of timeless conciseness, simplicity and clarity. The white expanse created in consequence of overexposure is meaningful for me.
Overexposure conceals details which are unnecessary to me, yet remain as a “ghost” in the final result.
The white expanse is the midst between the physical world and the metaphysical world, which allows the presence of silence, the “pause” between the words, thus reinforcing the images themselves. The thin deployed line between the revealed and the not revealed.
The photograph represents a reality without time or place. The work I do is the dismantling of reality and its reassembling.
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Avivit Segal