Yam Amrani
Yam Amrani is deeply inspired by images from the media. The endless accumulation of these images calls him to extract and filter them.
This need raises questions in the context of choice – is its purpose aesthetic, narrative, does it have any meaning at all?
Amrani produces hybrids, encounters, clashes and interruptions between images, while denying their functionality and melting them into something new, in a phobistic and formalistic style.
The lack of a coherent stand or positioning in Amrani’s paintings allows them individual existence from realistic composition attempts. Amranis extracted images undergo such a change, that pushes them away from reality and creates a fantastic, whimsical and liberated world. Amongst them are innocent, wild, biblical elements, and more. After a physical creation process, each pictorial gesture and choice of color take on great significance, obtaining a result whose observation revolves around spots, rhythm and composition.